Pot Pie…Finally! oops, times 2

So you know how I was supposed to make that damn pot pie last week?  Yeah, well I never made it because I got lazy (it happens from time to time, sue me…)

Anyway, so here I am today (2 degrees in New York), minding my own business thinking about how wonderful a warm pot pie would be tonight, cut to me in the kitchen slaving away over a pot pie…

go to fill the pie crust and I realize…I made too much filling…I have enough filling for TWO pot pies…

so my adventure in making ONE pot pie leads me to make TWO (I know, how tragic, right?  too much food)

Thank goodness family lives nearby because I just shipped the other off to my FIL’s!

…i’m secretly campaigning for DILOTY (daughter-in-law-of-the-year)…now I just hope the damn thing tastes good, will post pic when it’s done (bad blogger I know)